
Digital Video - 39 min. 2005

"Sascha Hahn employ classical music as a conceptual tool. In his work Bach-Gould-Hahn (2006), Sascha Hahn (Neuss, Germany, 1979) offers a kaleidoscopic montage of existing visual material, thematically arranged in thirty ‘chapters’ – a direct reference to the thirty key variations of Bach’s Goldberg Variations. The artist provides a broad associative inventory of decisive moments in contemporary cultural production."

Exhibitions Text: De Haalen

BachGouldHahn at Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach 2005

BachGouldHahn at "Our marvellous Ambition", Vilma Gold Gallery London 2006

BachGouldHahn at "Street: behind the Cliché", Witte de With Rotterdam 2006

Exhibitions and Screenings:

2008 "Medium Cool - Tenth Annual Video Marathon", Art in General, New York 

2007 "Nothing else matters", Frans Hals Museum De Haalen, Harlem

2006 "Street: behind the clichée", Witte de With, Rotterdam 

2006 "Our Marvellous Ambition", Vilma Gold, London 

2005 "Menschensgladbach", Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach 

2005 Film-Vortrag "Bach/Gould/Hahn", WG Düsseldorf